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Blacksburg Stakes: A Nite at the Races 2001

What's coming up...and what's on my mind.

Our first Nite at the races can be considered a success. We would have liked to have had 100 or even 200 people out to enjoy the evening, but it was probably better for our first time that we had a small crowd. This way we'll know how to do it right the next time.

Some Highlights.....

Some of the food displays in the foyer....


1. Bill from the Blacksburg police department did very well in the door prize category. As Pat Kelly said "He'll be eating his way throughout the town".

2. The signed script from "Sex and the City" was our highest bidding item. It reached $135, As Brenda from First Citizen's Bank, Who nicely got us up and charging at the last minute, Bought it for someone who had had Leukemia.

3. We invited several officers to come eat some of the food that was prepared, as we had plenty.

4. Menu, including carved beef tenderloin with three sauces, shrimp cocktail, Southwestern, cajun, pacific rim and plain chicken tenders with sauces, BBQ meatballs, Swedish meatballs, vegetable display with dips and cheese display with crackers and cocktail smokies was a big success.

5. Total purse of the ninth race was $612, of which $290 was won by one person

6. My personal highlight, as one of the hosts, was watching everyone play musical chairs on the auction items as we counted down to the finish.

7. We raised more than $1000 towards getting people on the voluntary bone marrow donor registry


The event is underway and John and I can finally relax...

Some Lowlights.....

1. We were disappointed in the turnout. But we have been told that first year events typically start slow. We received a good amount of press coverage and lots of positive feedback. We hope this translates to an even more successful event in the future.

2.Our troubles with credit. I would like to offer special thanks, many times over, to Kathleen of the VTCU and Brenda of First Citizens for their diligence, patience and for not quitting. Without them the proceeds from our event would have been much lower.

3. Our goal was $5000, which would have paid for 60 people to be typed. After much postage, pounding of pavement, begging, pleading, etc. You would like it to pay off more financially. But we are $1000 more than we were Monday.